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Hybrid and remote cultures have special challenges. Studies show that it has led to communication breakdowns, decreased trust, and decreased employee engagement. These are expensive trade offs.
The Huddle integrates brain-based coaching into team building. I designed fun and engaging activites and discussions that strengthen the brain's capacity for trust, creativity, and connection.
We remember 30% of what we see and hear and 90% of what we experience and teach others. I wanted to offer professional development that shifts from consuming to contributing.
The Huddle has partnered with 2DaysMood Technology to measure results so you and your team can see the impact you are creating in your culture.
Led by Expert facilitator and Huddle Creator, Sara Emhof. Includes consultation, pre & post measurement.
Choose up to 4 Huddle Topics and we train 6 employees as facilitators.
-4 Huddle Playbooks
(powerpoints, activities, and facilitator guides)
-Pre & Post Measurement Tool with 2DaysMood monitor
-Huddle Facilitator Training for up to 6 Employees
Have us customize a virtual or in person Huddle that meets your specific goals.
A uniquely designed experience for your next sales training, annual conference, or board retreat.
Copyright © 2018 Sara Emhof Leadership- All Rights Reserved.